Evidence-Based Policy Development Project

We worked with key partners to develop an evidence base and strategic rationale for policy development that can best support and promote sustainable and viable land and water use to ensure vibrant local food economies for the long term.

The project’s goals were to provide local governments with background information to respond proactively and effectively to changes on the landscape as they related to long term food security and food production in the region. A complimentary goal was to develop educational materials for the general public, in order to spark curiosity and deepen an understanding of food systems and how the actions of each individual contributes to or undermines food systems that reflect our values and priorities.


Central Kootenay Food Policy Council

Institute for Sustainable Food Systems at Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Applied Research and Innovation Centre at Selkirk College

Educational Tools

  • Food: It’s Complicated – a presentation for youth 12 – 16 on the food system and influences on food choice, by the Land & Food Systems Program at the University of British Columbia
  • Infographics – educational materials aimed at mid-teen through adult, by the Central Kootenay Food Policy Council
  • Food Policy 101 – English and French
  • Tomatoes – English and French

Partners and Funders

Project partners include a mix of civil society, government and academia:

The Central Kootenay Food Policy Council acknowledges the support of the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia. We also acknowledge and appreciate the funding support from the Columbia Basin Trust, and RDCK Directors Jackman, Watson, Faust, Newell, Cunningham, Popoff, and Peterson.

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