Shauna is a graphic and permaculture designer with a deep-rooted passion for growing food, community and farm economies. Having grown up in the food industry (owner and operator of two successful bakery business in Alberta) She has a unique and creative approach to brand development which caters especially well to food producers. Her creative agency, DESIGN FARM, works almost exclusively with food, farm and community-service / not for profit organizations. Shauna has years of experience developing community scale and regional initiatives, events and programs focused on building a more resilient food system. Shauna and her family have a permaculture smallholding on a sunny mountain side in Winlaw, Sinitx Territory. Shauna is presently the chair of the West Kootenay Permaculture Coop aka- Kootenay Food.
Sectors: Community Food Initiatives, Homesteading, Processing, Retailer / Economic Development
Location: Area H