Anneke Rosch

Anneke Rosch loves to cook and eat good food.  She has lived in Nelson since 2001 and worked at the Kootenay Co-op from 2001 to 2022, where she held the position of Grocery Buyer from 2011-2022.  She is interested in how the food system- from agricultural practices, food waste, to consumer choices- contributes to climate change, and what can be done locally to mitigate those impacts.  A strong proponent of the Co-operative business model, she has also served on the board of the Kootenay Carshare Co-operative. She has never been a very successful gardener (with the exception of potatoes), but lives with six adored and delightful laying hens, who magically turn scraps & bugs into delicious eggs.

Sector: Retail
Location: Nelson

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