Joins us as we work together to solve policy challenges
Are you involved in emergency food services? Are you a chef or food retailer? Do you raise meat? How about cannabis?
If you said yes, you will know that you are doing business in three of the most heavily regulated sectors in the agriculture / food world. And you will know that just because you solved your current challenge with policy does not mean that another one will not crop up next month, next year, some time….
The Food Policy Council loves to problem solve when it comes to policy. We are enthusiastic about figuring out how to make it all work better, to achieve our vision of a healthy, resilient, just regional food system. We want to connect with you and learn from you. Consider joining our Council. We won’t ask much – just that you bring yourself, your experience and your ideas to the five meetings we hold each year.
If you want to learn more, please check out our website, social media links, or contact Abra: info[at] If you’d like to learn more about what we’re about, consider joining us for our AGM on April 26th, 2022.